Saturday, January 24, 2009

No luck with Perceptrons...yet

Well it turns out there were a few bugs/problems with my perceptron code. First off there was a problem reading in the input data which threw off the z-scaling. Then the z-scaling had some overflow problems which I fixed. Lastly, the initial weights were being set badly causing the perceptron to suck. I finally got it to work correctly on XOR.

Unfortunately when I tried to get it to learn the difference between fire and non-fire pixels it could only get an MSE of .18 which is a big failure. I suspect there's much too much similarity and overlap between fire pixels and non fire pixels, especially in the near white color range. I'm going to try and manipulate the training data to reduce this overlap to see if that helps.

If that doesn't work then I'm going to try seeing if learning HSV channels or L*a*b* channels will work bettern than the RGB channels that I've tried so far.

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